This session of Introduction to The Creative Curriculum® for Pre-K will be held in-person.
Location: Schools Out Washington - 625 Andover Park West, Suite 101, Tukwila WA 98188
This highly interactive 2-day session introduces participants to The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool. Throughout the session, participants will become familiar with the characteristics, purpose, and components of The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool. They will explore and practice using the 38 objectives for development and learning and will closely examine The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool’s knowledge-building volumes. Participants will be introduced to strategies for preparing and maintaining an engaging physical environment and will practice using Mighty Minutes®, Intentional Teaching Experiences, Book Discussion Cards™, and, if applicable, Highlights High Five Bilingüe™ and Book Conversation Cards™. Through large- and small-group discussions and activities, participants will learn how Teaching Guides support the implementation of a meaningful study. Participants will be introduced to the three main parts of a study and will learn how to integrate content learning into daily events.
If none of the offerings work this training is also available through MyTeachingStrategies.
To satisfy the requirement you must complete the following trainings in MyTeachingStrategies:
Teaching Strategies recommend that teachers start with the Daily Resources course as they want teachers to start using the resources in the curriculum as soon as possible and then they can gradually learn about the research, foundation, and pedagogy
Please contact QPPD Training if you have any questions.