CLASS Mini Modules

  • Training & Workshops
Jan 23 2025
Mar 11 2025


Analysis and Reasoning at Centers & Creating During Content-Focused Conversations (01/23/2025-01/23/2025)

  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu4:00 - 6:00 pm
  • Fri 
  • Sat 


Young children are naturals at analysis and reasoning. They want to understand. They want to solve problems, experiment, and compare. And we can help them!

First, let’s look at what Analysis and Reasoning means. To analyze is to look closely or examine; reason means to form conclusions or inferences based on what we know or experience. Every time preschoolers ask questions, predict, classify, compare, or evaluate, they practice analysis and reasoning skills.

Children need adults to practice many of these thinking exercises at a deep level. It is not enough to ask a single prediction question. What matters most are the back-and-forth exchanges that follow an activity—how a educator keeps challenging and supporting children.

We can promote higher-order thinking through analysis and reasoning in everyday tasks, not just during a science experiment. Below are just a few "starter questions.” Then it’s your turn to seek inspiration from other CLASS® dimensions as you consider how to respond to children to keep the thinking going.

Integrating and Connecting in Whole Group & Language at Lunchtime (03/11/2025-03/11/2025)

  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue4:00 - 6:00 pm
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 

Online location



Analysis and Reasoning at Centers & Creating During Content-Focused Conversations (01/23/2025-01/23/2025)

  • 4pm - 6pm

Integrating and Connecting in Whole Group & Language at Lunchtime (03/11/2025-03/11/2025)

  • 4pm - 6pm